05 March 2015
Technical conferences live and die by their community, and their content. A community conference like PASS Summit succeeds when it helps its presenters.
Several weeks ago, PASS advertised a survey, asking the community what topics and sessions they would be interested in. The survey link was sent out with the PASS Connector to 122.5K subscribers, and there were 85 responses. That’s roughly typical for large email surveys.
The raw survey results are available. However, one limitation with survey responses is sampling bias: survey results don’t reflect the audience they represent because some types of people respond more than others.
For example, 10.4 % of PASS Summit 2014 attendees were consultants, and yet only 3.6% of the survey responses were. To compensate for this, I biased (weighted) the survey results to be representative of the distribution of Summit attendees. In this example, consultant responses would be weighted by 2.88 (10.4% / 3.6% = 2.88).
The weighted survey responses are on GitHub.
Session Content
On a scale of 1-4 (4 meaning ideal interest), the most popular session content is for new SQL Server features, demos, and script examples.
Session Format
Application Development
BI Information Delivery
BI Platform Architecture
Professional Development
Looking at the data, I find a few interesting narratives:
There are many, many different lessons and conclusions you can draw from this data, so I’ll let you speculate about the rest. Enjoy!