16 November 2014
You can run Amazon Web Services’ VMs cheaply by bidding for computing capacity, using Spot Instances. The virtual machines (instances) you get are identical to on-demand VMs. The only difference is the pricing.
To do this, you request spot instances, and specify the maximum bid per hour you’ll pay. If your maximum bid is more than the current bid for that type of VM, your request is granted. As long as the current bid price is less than your maximum price, you’ll keep your computing capacity. If your maximum bid is ever less than the current bid price, then your instance is destroyed and its capacity given to a higher bidder.
My first reaction to spot instances was disbelief. Why should I use a virtual machine that can be destroyed at a moment’s notice? I’d never get any work done! Then I saw the price tag…
Spot instances are far cheaper than their on-demand brethren.
If you specify a high maximum bid (say, 3x the on-demand price, here’s the daily cost over 90 days to run 7 different instance types in the Oregon (us-west-2) region:
Instance Type | On-Demand | Spot | Discount |
t1.micro | $0.48 | $0.13 | 73% |
m3.medium | $1.67 | $3.91 | -134% |
c3.xlarge | $12.39 | $2.30 | 54% |
r3.4xlarge | $10.00 | $6.82 | 80% |
h1.4xlarge | $73.96 | $5.91 | 92% |
g2.2xlarge | $15.50 | $2.71 | 82% |
cc2.8xlarge | $47.77 | $7.14 | 85% |
Not everything is a deal. A few VMs (like m3.mediums) were more expensive than on-demand VMs. However, most types and locations, including most of the powerful choices, were much less expensive.
When computing capacity is this cheap, economics starts to change. It may be cheaper to use spend developer time to re-architect an application to run on spot instances. A company that runs dozens or hundreds of AWS instances may well save money by using spot instances:
Startups have it easy. They can build their system architectures to use this environment from the start. Of the 30-odd startups where I have contacts, all of them use spot instances widely, to save money.
There are several approaches to doing so, including:
To learn more about spot instance pricing, let’s look at history. This is easy; AWS exposes both a price history API as well as documentation. It’s easy to use the API to download data. I pulled down 90 days’ history for every Amazon region, availability zone (AZ), and instance type.
All of the prices below are the median daily cost to run a VM with an infinite bid, unless noted otherwise.
To start, prices vary dramatically by location. The discounts you see below are the % difference in price between a spot instance and an on-demand instance in the same location.
As we can see from the graph above, the median discount between on-demand and spot instances to run a VM for a day ranges from 38% (Sao Paolo) to 72% (Oregon).
Looking deeper, some Availability Zones (AZs) have far larger discounts than others. A few instance categories are really cheap.
Not all AZs have the same discounts, even in the same region. This doesn’t make sense; it’s evidence of inefficient bidding by AWS users. However, it’s fantastic news for bargain hunters.
For example, if I had a workload in Northern Virginia (us-east-1) that needed a general-purpose instance, I’d pick the AZ with a 39% discount (us-east-1b) instead of the one with the -20% discount (us-east-1d).
The differences are larger across regions. In Oregon (us-west-2) we could run 30 m3.2xlarge VMs for less than $100 a day, instead of ~$400 a day for on-demand instances.
That’s $100 a day for 900GB of RAM, 780 compute units, and 4.8TB of SSD storage.
Some instance types have reliably larger discounts.
High-memory types (the r3 family), the h1.4xlarge storage type, and cluster computing types often have deep discounts.
Now let’s look for the biggest deals we can find. Let’s look at every single instance type, per region, per AZ.
The best deals are in the upper right, which have the most cores per $ and the most GB of RAM per $.
For the last 90 days, the best deal was in the Tokyo region (ap-northeast-1). You could run a cr1.8xlarge instance (244GB of RAM, 88 compute units, 240GB of SSD) for $9 a day, instead of the usual $98 a day.
Let’s say we have a large, distributed-computing workload. Common examples are physics simulations, genome sequencing, or web log analysis. We could spend $252 for 4 cr1.8xlarge instances:
When I do distributed data processing work, I dream about having resources like this.
Let’s use this historical pricing to look at some myths about spot instances:
Don’t use overseas datacenters, because they’re too expensive
We already looked at price discounts by region and AZ. There are some regions that don’t have huge discounts (Sao Paolo), but many others that do (Tokyo, Singapore, Australia, Ireland).
I’m guessing this comes from the fact that some overseas instances don’t all of the instance types yet, which includes some instance categories that have deep discounts, like the high-storage category.
GPU instances are expensive Bitcoin miners are eating up all of the capacity
Again, no. The g2.2xlarge GPU-specific instance has a median discount of 83% across all regions. If we look at this instance type across all regions and AZs, we can see that the typical cost to run one is in the $2.1-$4 a day range, which is far cheaper than its $15.40 a day on-demand price.
Big instances don’t help your application
This is often true. Very, very few developers or sysadmins know how well their applications scale, because they don’t have the time or resources to test them under varying load, and on different computers of different sizes. That’s a topic for another day.
If your workload doesn’t benefit from having lots of memory or cores in a single machine, then you’re better off running smaller VMs with good single-threaded CPU speed (the c3 family).
The cheapest spot price for c3 spot instances over 90 days was $0.70 a day for c3.large VMs in the Tokyo region. Those VMs have 2 Ivy Bridge cores, 3.75GB of RAM, and 32GB of SSD.
If your workload can be broken down into small, independent chunks of work (still single-threaded), you could spend $20 a day for 28 of those VMs.
The core question is never “how do I get the biggest computer for cheap”, it’s “how do I do my work for the least amount of money”.
Don’t run big instances because they’re more expensive than smaller ones
Let’s say you do know how well your applications scale. If your workload parallelizes well and works faster with lots of RAM, SSD, and compute cores, then larger instances are a great deal. Optimize for RAM-per-dollar, or cores-per-dollar, or SSD-per-dollar. In that case, your cheapest options are:
CPU Bottleneck:
For this, you want an instance with as many compute units as possible. If we look at compute units per $, the cheapest options have been the cc2.8xlarge and g2.2xlarge instances, usually in the Oregon or Tokyo regions. You can run a cc2.8xlarge instance and its 88 compute units for as little as $7 a day.
Memory Bottleneck
For this, you want an instance with as much memory as possible. If we look at GB of RAM per $, the cheapest options have been the cr1.8xlarge and r3.8xlarge instances, usually in the Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) region. You can run instances with 244GB of RAM for as little as $9 a day.
I/O Bottleneck
For this, you want an instance with SSD storage. If we look at SSD per $, the cheapest options have been the storage-centric h1.4xlarge instances. A single instance has 2,048GB of SSD storage and can be run for as little is $5.20 a day. That’s ~400GB GB of SSD for a dollar a day.
Spot pricing is complicated, because it’s the combination of several different topics:
This is the area where quantitative finance folks thrive. Lucky for us, there’s a simple way to find deals when bidding: