One of the most profound ideas in the last 20 years is PageRank, the original algorithm of Google’s search engine.
PageRank starts with a simple and clever idea: the importance of a page is determined by how many pages link to it, and how important they are. It’s a link-analysis algorithm, and it ranks pages by how important they are to the entire collection.
In other words, when a source page (like this blog) links to another, target page (like a Wikipedia article), some of the source’s importance should transfer over to the target.
The only things you need are pages and their links. It’s a graph structure.
SQL and Graphs
A graph can be stored in SQL using 2 tables, Nodes and Edges
Imagine a node is an object like a web page. An edge is a pointer from a source node to a target node, like a hyperlink pointing from one web page to another.
We are preventing a few things. We ignore edges where a node points back to itself. And a node is allowed to point to another node only once.
Imagine a Tiny Web
Imagine the Internet has just 4 web pages: pages 1, 2, 3 and 4. These pages have links between them:
Page 2 links to pages 1 and 3
Page 3 links to page 1
Page 4 links to pages 1, 2 and 3.
Page 1 links to nothing.
We can store this in SQL
Initially, we give all nodes the same weight, 0.25. All nodes start out equal.
Get Ready!
We need to know how many edges each node has pointing away from it. Imagine counting the number of links a web page has going somewhere else. Let’s calculate that and store it in our Nodes table.
Get Set!
Let’s look at the most important part: calculating how we transfer weight from source nodes to targets.
The weight of each target node is the sum of the nodes’ weights that point to it, sum(n.NodeWeight)
Divide each source node’s weight by the number of nodes it links to, n.NodeCount
Only transfer part of the weight, multiplying by the @DampingFactor, 0.85
You can see there’s a damping factor, which is the percentage of a node’s weight that gets transferred via its edge to another node.
We also include a margin of error, which is a small number that represents an acceptable amount of precision.
Now we’re ready to run PageRank.
This example takes 5 iterations to complete. It turns out computing PageRank for the entire world wide web takes only 100 iterations.
I’d recommend you try this out yourself. My code is available on GitHub.