T-SQL Tuesday - Assumptions

01 July 2014

It’s hard to rock the boat.
It’s hard to ask the basic questions that everybody knows.
It’s hard to slow down and ask for clarification.

So, we improvise. We guess: things that are accepted as true, without proof. We often forget our assumptions, or make them instinctively.

For this T-SQL Tuesday, the topic is assumptions.

For example:

Your assignment for this month is to write about a big assumption you encounter at work, one that people are uncomfortable talking about. Every team has an elephant in the room.

What happens if these big guesses aren’t true?


A few rules to follow when participating:

Some optional (and highly encouraged) things to also do:

About T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday was started by Adam Machanic ( Blog | @AdamMachanic ) in 2009. It’s a monthly blog party with a rotating host, who is responsible for providing a new topic each month. In case you’ve missed a month or two, Steve Jones ( Blog | @way0utwest ) maintains a complete list for your reading enjoyment.


This July’s T-SQL Tuesday is now over. Well over a dozen people contributed their insight and wisdom, and they’re well worth a read.